Problems With Green Files and Folders?
I had problems opening unzipped files. They were green. A little research brought me a solution to my problems - maybe you can use this solution as well... I read somewhere that it may be some sort of issue with them being from a Mac... Here is a simple solution:...
Google Announces a Big Change – Your Website May Be in Trouble!
It's official, from April 21, 2015 the mobile-friendliness of your site will be a major factor in your search rankings. And I got it from a reliable source, Google's webmaster blog. Google will be making some major changes to their ranking algorithms, concerning...
Are You Unknowingly Endorsing Google AdWords Ads?
I just found out that Google just took my permission, without asking, to show my mug and name with Google AdWords ads. I'm not cool with that. Google calls them "Shared Endorsements" and seems to have the permission enabled by default. Do You Want To Be Google's...
Great New WordPress Themes Collection Site
Each new web development project starts with a massive task: finding the right WordPress theme. Each website has its own purpose, its own desired functionality, its own envisioned style. Now, I do have a number of theme development companies that I frequently go to....
Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at …)
Just had another occurence of the "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ...)". Luckily I was able to solve it rather quickly with the help of some fellow wordpressers! š The first clue I got fromĀ Geeklog: This is commonly...
A Merry Christmas To You All!
It's that time of year again.Busy, busy, busy... But, now it's Christmas Eve and the dust has settled. Perhaps this is a sad time for you. Maybe you have to spend Christmas all by yourself, or you really miss someone who cannot be with you this year. Maybe your...
WordPress Dashboard Removed, Disabled, Disappeared? Check Your Plugins!
Not for the first time I have encountered a situation where I lost my link to the WordPress Dashboard in the admin section. It's just gone! Of course I Googled it (again), and I hope that by logging the solution here on the blog I won't have to search for the solution...
Differences Between Facebook Groups vs FB Fan Pages
A lot of people don't realize that apart from Facebook's profile pages there are two other types of Facebook entities: Facebook Groups Facebook Fan Pages Both can have multiple admins, but there are quite some differences that you should be aware of before chosing one...